Table with Fixed Header and Columns

Table with fixed header and column is a jQuery plugin TableHeadFixer. Plugins files stored under /libcommon/plugins/TableHeadFixer/tableHeadFixer.js, after include this plugin call .tableHeadFixer({param}) function after page rendered. To work this plugin properly, target table should be inside of a div, where included all style like height,width etc.

Fixed Header

Name Town County Age Profession Anual Income Children
John Smith Macelsfield Cheshire 52 Brewer £47,000 2
Jenny Jones Threlkeld Cumbria 34 Shepherdess £28,000 0
Peter Frampton Avebury Wiltshire 57 Musician £124,000 4
Simon King Malvern Worchestershire 48 Naturalist £65,000 2
Lucy Diamond St Albans Hertfordshire 67 Pharmasist Retired 3
Austin Stevenson Edinburgh Lothian 36 Vigilante £86,000 0
Wilma Rubble Bedford Bedfordshire 43 Housewife N/A 1
Kat Dibble Manhattan New York 55 Policewoman $36,000 1
Henry Bolingbroke Bolingbroke Lincolnshire 45 Landowner Lots 6
Alan Brisingamen Alderley Cheshire 352 Arcanist A pile of gems 0
<!-- CSS for parent div -->
<div class="parent-div">
    <table class="table" id="fixed-table">
                <th>Anual Income</th>
                <td>John Smith</td>
                <td>Jenny Jones</td>
                <td>Henry Bolingbroke</td>
                <td>Alan Brisingamen</td>
                <td>A pile of gems</td>

<!-- Javascript code to initialise fixed column and header -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {

Fixed First Left Column

Name Town County Age Profession Anual Income Marital Status Children Hobby
John Smith Macelsfield Cheshire 52 Brewer £47,000 Single 2 Playing Cricket
Jenny Jones Threlkeld Cumbria 34 Shepherdess £28,000 Married 0 Watching TV
Peter Frampton Avebury Wiltshire 57 Musician £124,000 Single 4 Playing Football
Simon King Malvern Worchestershire 48 Naturalist £65,000 Single 2 Reading Books
Lucy Diamond St Albans Hertfordshire 67 Pharmasist Retired Married 3 Cooking
<!-- CSS Styles -->
.parent-div-2 {
    width: 700px !important;
#fixed-left-column tbody tr td,
#fixed-left-column thead tr th{
    min-width: 125px !important;

<!-- HTML Contents -->

<table class="table table-striped" id="fixed-left-column">
            <th>Anual Income</th>
            <th>Marital Status</th>
            <td>John Smith</td>
            <td>Playing Cricket</td>
            <td>Jenny Jones</td>
            <td>Watching TV</td>
            <td>Peter Frampton</td>
            <td>Playing Football</td>
            <td>Simon King</td>
            <td>Reading Books</td>
            <td>Lucy Diamond</td>
            <td>St Albans</td>

<!-- Javascript Code -->

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
            'left': 1,
            'head': false

Fixed Two Left Column

Name Town County Age Profession Anual Income Marital Status Children Hobby
John Smith Macelsfield Cheshire 52 Brewer £47,000 Single 2 Playing Cricket
Jenny Jones Threlkeld Cumbria 34 Shepherdess £28,000 Married 0 Watching TV
Peter Frampton Avebury Wiltshire 57 Musician £124,000 Single 4 Playing Football
Simon King Malvern Worchestershire 48 Naturalist £65,000 Single 2 Reading Books
Lucy Diamond St Albans Hertfordshire 67 Pharmasist Retired Married 3 Cooking
<!-- CSS Styles -->
.parent-div-2 {
    width: 700px !important;
#fixed-two-left-column tbody tr td,
#fixed-two-left-column thead tr th{
    min-width: 125px !important;

<!-- HTML Contents -->

<table class="table table-striped" id="fixed-left-column">
            <th>Anual Income</th>
            <th>Marital Status</th>
            <td>John Smith</td>
            <td>Playing Cricket</td>
            <td>Jenny Jones</td>
            <td>Watching TV</td>
            <td>Peter Frampton</td>
            <td>Playing Football</td>
            <td>Simon King</td>
            <td>Reading Books</td>
            <td>Lucy Diamond</td>
            <td>St Albans</td>

<!-- Javascript Code -->

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
            'left': 2,
            'head': false

Fixed Header and Two Left Column

Name Town County Age Profession Anual Income Marital Status Children Hobby
John Smith Macelsfield Cheshire 52 Brewer £47,000 Single 2 Playing Cricket
Jenny Jones Threlkeld Cumbria 34 Shepherdess £28,000 Married 0 Watching TV
Peter Frampton Avebury Wiltshire 57 Musician £124,000 Single 4 Playing Football
Simon King Malvern Worchestershire 48 Naturalist £65,000 Single 2 Reading Books
Lucy Diamond St Albans Hertfordshire 67 Pharmasist Retired Married 3 Cooking
<!-- CSS Styles -->
    width: 700px !important;
    height: 200px !important;
#fixed-header-left-column tbody tr td,
#fixed-header-left-column thead tr th{
    min-width: 125px !important;

<!-- HTML Contents -->

<table class="table table-striped" id="fixed-left-column">
            <th>Anual Income</th>
            <th>Marital Status</th>
            <td>John Smith</td>
            <td>Playing Cricket</td>
            <td>Jenny Jones</td>
            <td>Watching TV</td>
            <td>Peter Frampton</td>
            <td>Playing Football</td>
            <td>Simon King</td>
            <td>Reading Books</td>
            <td>Lucy Diamond</td>
            <td>St Albans</td>

<!-- Javascript Code -->

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
            'left': 2,
            'head': true

Other Options

With these options you can fix table head and any number of left columns, table head with any number of right columns, right column, footer, footer with any number of right and left columns etc.

Attribute Value Default
foot true/false false
head true/false true
left 1,2,3,4,5, etc 0
right 1,2,3,4,5, etc 0
For more details and examples Click here